Full Node settings

Full Node settings

the operation to modify the setting information for the operating environment is required in order for Full Node to operate mutually. Please refer to below steps to proceed the settings

Setting PATH

Enter the container Shell to set the PATH.

root@4e60bc34a625:/omnione-testnet# source /etc/profile

Checking the script file

Use 'ls' command to check the Full Node script file.

root@4e60bc34a625:/omnione-testnet# ls
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Feb 10 01:48 bp_node
-rwx------ 1 root root  259 Feb 10 02:35 gen_bp_start.sh
-rwx------ 1 root root   72 Feb 10 01:48 keosd_start.sh
-rwx------ 1 root root  270 Feb  7 00:57 stop.sh

Changing the name of the folder and script file

root@4e60bc34a625:/omnione-testnet# mv bp_node full_node
root@4e60bc34a625:/omnione-testnet# mv gen_bp_start.sh gen_full_start.sh

Starting the FullNode

the operation to run FullNode by the script.


Checking the execution log

root@4e60bc34a625:/omnione-testnet# tail -f full_node/node_data/nodeos.log

If you have followed up to this part, FullNode should be executed normally. To terminate safely please press Ctrl + p or q.

Checking the interworking operation with the real chain

This is a task to check whether it has been successfully connected on a chain within the real Docker

curl http://localhost:18888/v1/chain/get_info

Outputs for executing the command line are as shown below.


Checking the block data on a local environment

Check if the block data that is stored in the local directory is created properly.

cd ~/Raonsecure/docker/testnet/omnnode-data
blocks eosd.pid nodeos.log snapshots  state
tail -f nodeos.log

Executing the last command line will be able to check block created data. For termination command is ctrl + c

Last updated