BP Vote

Apply for BP

To be a BP, must proceed the following 3 steps

  1. Apply for BP candidate

  2. User how has voting rights will vote

  3. If majority of vote is 'yes', proceed to the registration

As registered as a candidate, the user who has voting rights will evaluate candidates and proceed with voting. To proceed with BP registration, a certain amount of user needs to approve and the BP candidate will be able to create a block after the approval.

1. Apply to be BP candidate

Anyone, except for those who has special conditions in the mainnet can be registered as a BP candidate. The following command is a command to register a candidate.

cleos system regproducer [Account Name] [Public Key] [URL]
# ex)
# cleos system regproducer producer EOS123...XYZ http://OmniOne.site
  • Account Name - Enter an account to be BP

  • Public Key - Enter Public key to be used on block creation

  • URL - Enter URL that can search the Producer information

2. Voting by users who has voting rights

If registered as a BP candidate, the users who have voting rights will vote after the evaluation. Will proceed with the BP registration as the candidate gains more than a certain number of approvals. The following command checks the list of BP candidates..

cleos system listproducers

Scaled votes is the number of votes

The following command voting command for the users who have voting rights to BP candidates. Able to vote Up to 30 candidates which are proportional to voter's voting rights.

cleos system voteproducer prods [Voter] [blockproducer1]...[blockproducer30]

Voter - the users who have voting rights

blockproducer - BP account to vote (Any elements after Voter will be recognized as a BP list which is possible up to 30)

3. Voting result

If approved as BP, add the option provider-name, p2p-peer-address to the config.ini file.

# ID of producer controlled by this node (e.g. inita; may specify multiple times) (eosio::producer_plugin)
producer-name = [Account Name]

# Default p2p port is 9876
p2p-peer-address =

producer-name - Enter the account name that is registered as an candidate.

p2p-peer-address - The public endpoint of a peer node to connect to. Use multiple p2p-peer-address options as needed to compose a network.

Last updated