My request list
This page guides how to check and cancel the requested information which is requested by the Issuer such as claim, VC type, VC format, etc.
Last updated
This page guides how to check and cancel the requested information which is requested by the Issuer such as claim, VC type, VC format, etc.
Last updated
The requested task is revokable until the Admin authorizes it.
This page shows the list of requested claims.
Claim code
- Code of the claim used as an identifier.
Claim name
- A name that represents the claim.
Owner's OMN ID
- The Account ID who've added that claim.
- Able to check the approval status of the claim.
This page shows the VC type code, VC type name, owner's OMNI ID, status, and detailed information.
VC type code
- Code of the VC type used as an identifier.
VC type name
- A name that represents the VC type
Onwer's OMNI ID
- The Account ID who've added the VC type.
- Ables to check the approval status of the VC type.
Detail information
- Able to check the claim used by the VC type when it is clicked
This page shows the VC format code, VC format name, Owner's OMNI ID, Level of Assurance, Status, and detailed information.
VC format code
- Code of the VC format used as an identifier.
VC format name
- A name that represents the VC type.
Owner's OMNI ID
- The Account ID who've added the VC format.
Level of Assurance
- Assurance level.
- Able to check the approval status of the VC format.
Detail information
- Able to check detailed information regarding the VC format when it is clicked (Distribution ratio, claim list, etc).